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& Communications

Industries that we understand
and have worked in extensively

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Information Technology & Telecommunications


In South Africa the ICT industry is highly regulated, but despite this it contributes around 2.7% to the economy, amounting to some R93 billion per annum. Although the three sub-sectors, namely telecommunications, broadcasting and information technology have grown over the past five years, although employment across the sectors has declined. Growth is led by a 25% increase in mobile data usage and South Africa has improved 10 places on the Network Readiness Index (NRI) where the current ranking is 65. Broadband access increased by 10% and indications are that households spend between 17% and 18% of their household budgets on telecommunications equipment. Technology is widely seen as a counter-to-job creation, which presents socio-economic challenges and impacts growth negatively, except in new technology areas such as robotics.

The ICT market, comprising telecoms services, hardware and packaged software and services, is predicted to decline over the next 2 to 3 years. There was however an increasing trade deficit in ICT over the past decade, driven by rapidly rising imports.


Importantly several African countries are making significant strides in ICT and the development

of the sector, notably Uganda and Mauritius.


StratNovation understands the importance of aligning IT and telecommunications

to enable business performance.


Projects we have undertaken include:

  • New technology and data management trend research

  • ICT Outsourcing in various market segments

  • Developing IT and telecommunications strategies to support the organizational strategy 

  • Master Systems Plans;

  • ICT audits and systems assessments;

  • Cost of ownership diagnosis and cost optimization; and 

  • Supply and demand research into ERP systems.

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